Public Materials

Shareable things from my time out engaging with the world.

A photograph of a black poster with red dots overlaid by white layers and black and white text reading, a future possible, design vision, dreams and prophecies.
A close up photo of a yellow page turned askew with a list of titles and names in stacked rows and Amber Lundy Senior UX Designer Amazon in focus in the center.


UX Design Awards

I was nominated to be a juror for the International UX Design Awards. This is my judging profile.


Conflux Con 2017

Conflux Amazon design convention is a chance for the design community to be inspired each year. This was my opportunity to inspire others.

Design Encounters

The Vignelli Center for Design Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology hosted me to share with students the tail of my design journey.

Duncan Anderson Lecture Series

CSU Long Beach College of Design hosted me to cover my career growth and talk about trends in cyborg products.



Tech pro interview blog.

Tech Buffalo

Women in Tech series interview.